Com&Tech Innovations Lab

Com&Tech Innovations Lab (CTI-Lab), founded in 2017, is an initiative of several researchers and professors at the University of Ottawa. The CTI-Lab is a space for research, experimentation and knowledge creation. We use participatory approaches by collaborating to support the co-design of eHealth Technologies. And, we develop various approches and methods to understand the uses of digital health technologies and AI-based technologies. 

CTI-Lab's fields of expertise

  • The analysis of human/technology interactions using various qualitative methods (e.g. video-ethnography, multimodal analysis of interactions).
  • The analysis of use of AI-based technologies by different publics (e.g. AI-based voice assistant systems, AI-based technologies in health, automated communication, algorithms & bots)
  • The use and co-design of digital health technologies. We study the design and use of several technologies such as AI-based technologies, mHealth, eHealth platforms, wearable or sensors devices.
  • The development of participatory design/co-design approaches. The CTI-Lab has several research projects based on the implementation of a co-design approach involving different stakeholders.